Pelican Quilts is a blog for people who enjoy the creative process and want to see how something like a quilt evolves from a rough idea to a finished piece. It’s for lovers of quilts, craft, and those interested in the behind the scenes aspect of crafting, color, and form.

I wonder about why are we drawn to make beautiful things and what is the place of the aesthetic in our lives. I draw my inspiration from thinkers like Freud and Lacan and other psychoanalytic writers but I don’t get into (too much) jargon. I keep it all about the quilts. I think of this project a Psychoanalysis of Quilts or The Quilt on the Couch.


Free Subscribers:

  • Monthly Essays: Delve into thought-provoking essays on the poetry of quilting. Influenced by the insights of thinkers like Freud and other psychoanalytic minds, these posts offer accessible reflections on the human experience. Expect insightful yet approachable musings that celebrate the artistry and creativity of quilting, inviting you to connect with its beauty on a personal level.

Paid Subscribers:

  • Monthly Behind-the-Scenes Post: Access exclusive behind-the-scenes content, offering a deeper look into my creative process, techniques, and projects.

  • Quarterly How-To Post (Case Study): Receive in-depth case studies with step-by-step instructions on various projects on quilting and natural dyeing, helping you develop new skills and refine your craft.

  • Weekly Update in the Chat: Join me for candid reflections on what's on my mind, projects in progress, and other weekly insights. It's an informal peek into my creative life.

  • Yearly Gift in the Mail: Enjoy a special yearly gift of my most recent zine, sent directly to your mailbox. This collection of zines is titled "Quilt School," curated around a thematic selection of essays and how-to guides. Each issue is full of inspiration and practical advice, along with hand drawn diagrams and images.


If you want to make sure you don’t miss these essays or a chance to order my yearly zine, sign up to this newsletter. Last year the zine sold out quickly but if you are signed up here you will get an email when it is first released before I post it to the public or if you are part of the paid subscriber plan, you will get one for sure. I plan to make previous zines available at the same time.


Thank you for supporting me on this blog and helping me find a way to take time away from other parts of my life to write and express my love of this art. I have met some of the most inspiring people here and it means a lot.

Subscribe to Pelican Quilts

I hand stitched quilts made with natural linens and dyes. I write about quilts, quilting, and what it means to be a human who quilts. I call this "a psychoanalysis of quilts" or "The Quilt on the Couch."


A Psychoanalysis of Quilts. I want to know why we quilt, what the craft says about us, and what we can learn from quilts about ourselves and society.